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Cybercrime in Michigan - what should Ann Arbor residents expect?

By Daniel T. Geherin

On behalf of Simon & Geherin, PLLC posted in Internet Crimes on Wednesday, November 21, 2012.

Technology can be a wonderful thing. Many of our Ann Arbor area readers most likely have a cellphone, and some have "smartphones" capable of Internet interactions, among various other uses. And it would be a good bet to think that most Ann Arbor residents probably have at least one computer in their homes - some have more than one. However, with the increased use of the Internet and computers in general comes the possibility that the technology could be used for computer crimes, or at least allegations of crimes.The worry is so great for some that a recent informational session was held for local businesses, hosted by the Washtenaw County Cyber Citizenship Coalition. The goal of the session was to inform business owners how their computers and networks could be used against them in a cybercrime.When most people think of Internet crimes, they probably think of crimes like identity theft or Internet scams. These are becoming increasingly common, but it is important to realize that not all Internet use should come under a cloud of suspicion.With the increased focus on cybercrimes by various state legislatures throughout the country, many laws are being implemented regulating Internet use - some of them criminal statutes. These laws, like technology, are always changing, but it can be harder for the laws to keep pace with the growth of technology. As such, a Michigan resident could find themselves in a situation where they are involved in a criminal investigation, even if they have done nothing wrong. In those instances, it is important to have a criminal defense strategy which takes into account all of the various nuances of the new and evolving Internet criminal laws. Doing so could make the difference in charges being dismissed, or facing serious penalties.

If you or a loved one has been arrested for computer crimes and need criminal defense in Ann Arbor or the surrounding area, and want the help of local, experienced and dedicated attorney, please calling Dan and his team at GLG Michigan. 

Source: Ann, "Free cyber-safety class aimed at businesses of all sizes," Lisa Carolin, Nov. 10, 2012