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37-year-old man faces criminal sexual conduct charges

By Daniel T. Geherin

On behalf of Simon & Geherin, PLLC posted in Sexual Assault on Monday, December 10, 2012.

Allegations of sexual assault are very serious for all of the parties involved. The alleged victim has to come forward with what is most likely a very painful story to tell. The alleged perpetrator, even a first-time offender, is forced to face the prospect of a lengthy prison sentence and the possibility of signing up on the sex offender registry. The long-term consequences on both sides are sometimes hard to grasp in scale, but one Michigan man is likely to be trying to come to terms with the feelings involved right now, after he was recently charged in a sexual assault case.The man, a 37-year-old restaurant owner, is facing two charges of third-degree criminal sexual conduct. Some of the details of the alleged assault were certain to have been discussed in a recent preliminary examination in court, after which the man's case was bound over to the circuit court. However, very little information about the alleged assault has been made public, other than that the incident was said to have occurred at the alleged victim's residence. Also, according to the initial reports, the alleged perpetrator and the victim were acquaintances.Even though this case has now moved beyond the preliminary phase, in which the court ruled that there was probable cause that the crime of criminal sexual conduct had occurred, it is important to remember that the American criminal judicial system can be a long, deliberate process. The courts were designed this way in order to ensure that a defendant is accorded all of their constitutional rights, including due process of law.It can also be hard for the average news reader to remember that our country recognizes the axiom "innocent until proven guilty." This is especially difficult in cases involving sexual assault charges. However, everyone who is unfortunate enough to be arrested has the right to have their day in court, with a chance to tell their side of the tale.

If you or a loved one been arrested for sexual assault, and want the help of local, experienced and dedicated criminal attorney in Washtenaw County please call Dan and his team at GLG Michigan. 

Source: Ann, "Chelsea man accused of sexual assault has case bound over to circuit court," John Counts, Nov. 29, 2012